Connor Bryant

Web Designer & Developer

Innovative developer interested in creating scalable web applications and working across the full stack. Experienced in WordPress and Adobe Dreamweaver. Able to adapt to new technologies and environments.

pic of me

Project Work

The Indianapolis Urban League Website


As a Web Designer I created content and updated information for the site.

Company: Indianapolis Urban League

Skills I Used:

Front-end web graphics is my specialty

I liked to use CodePen to make interesting graphics for the IUL website.

See the Pen Revolver Gallery by Connor Bryant (@connorjbryant) on CodePen.

Click here to view this on the website.

Front-end web graphics is my specialty

I like to use CodePen to make fun little graphics for the IUL website.

See the Pen NoSmoking by Connor Bryant (@connorjbryant) on CodePen.

Click here to view this on the website.

Created a web portal for a college readiness program (Project Ready)

One of my responsibilties was making a secure portal for students to apply for college scholarships. To gain access to the scholarship forms a password was required which would allow a student to complete the application process. The forms are categorized by school type and are sent to the corresponding schools Project Ready Coordinator. The Contact Form 7 plug-in was used to collect data.

Added a front page revolver to showcase important information

One of my contributions was adding this rotating revolver that shows upcoming programs or events on the front page. This feature has increased traffic to the website because it allows users to access what they need very quickly.

TDULTRA: A web conferencing application

TDULTRA is a platform like Skype or Zoom that connects students with tutors.

Company: TutorDudes

Project: The TDULTRA Website

Skills I Used:

The purpose of this project was to continue development on the TDULTRA website to improve usability and profitability. One of my main roles on this project as an intern was to build the technical infrastructure for the back-end of the site since the original prototype lacked a way to track users signing up for different services and lacked file-sharing capabilities for the tutors.

This is how the website initially looked.

Initial Concept: I worked with a team of two other interns on a three month project to continue development on this virtual meeting platform for learning and interaction.

Technology Used: To complete this project my team and I used HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, and Node.js. We also used Google Firebase for database services and Paddle Payment for B2B transactions.

What was added: A pricing page was developed that uses Paddle payment for transactions, web pages were added to access the WebRTC portion of the website, and access pages were created for the file sharing part of the website.

The website after three months of development.

How It Works: TDULTRA is a WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communications) application that enables real-time voice, text and video communications capabilities between web browsers and devices. The front end of the website uses HTML and CSS while the back end uses JavaScript (specifically Node.js) as well as Google Firebase. TDULTRA also has a file sharing service called TDCLOUD that allows tutors to upload media to their own personal account.

Video Game Palooza Virtual Reality Online Walkthrough

Company: Hope Training Academy

Project: An online virtual reality walkthrough of Hope Training Academy's Center for E Sports.

Skills I Used:

The purpose of this project was to create an online VR walkthrough of Hope Training Academy's E Sports Center. By showcasing this state-of-the-art facility in an immersive way potential participants can understand the experience being offered.

Website Mock-up

website mockup

Initial Concept: The goal of this project was to attract more people to Hope Training Academy’s Center for E Sports through an online virtual reality walkthrough of their facility.

Technology Used: To complete this project my team and I used Matterport’s equipment and software. Matterport is a 3D platform that allows a physical space to be turned into an accurate and immersive digital twin. Specifically, we used the Matterport Pro2 3D Camera and an iPad with the Matterport app for this project.

Content Within The Scan: There are Mattertags within the scan, which are points of interests within the digital twin that the user can interact with. We included text descriptions, videos, images, and links within the Mattertags to keep people engaged on the site. Information on all of their arcade machines, the equipment used, services offered, and the decor in the facility is in the scan.

Completed Webpages

completed webpages

How It Works: We completed the project by capturing a 3D scan of a spot and then getting a 360 degree panoramic image of that area. We were cognizant of where we were in relation to the camera at all times because getting in its path creates an unusable scan. Every six feet we moved the camera and re-leveled it if necessary. The circles on the floor represent where you can travel in the walkthrough, and this is also where we moved the camera within the building. Matterport does a lot of the work for you; the camera communicates with the app and it pieces together the scans and images of each spot into one complete 3D model.

Game Design and Development Portfolio Website

I have an interest in video game development and created a portfolio website that showcases the games I have created.

Project: Gaming Portfolio Website

Skills I Used: